Monday, October 8, 2007
The Exciting Conclusion
Post your response to Chapter 20 through the end of the novel here. You may choose to write a reader's log, re-write the ending of the novel in a melodramatic fashion (think: Desperate Housewives), and/or discuss the conclusion of the novel. Did it end as you expected? Did you think the ending was fitting/appropriate? What is the "sweet moral blossom" (the theme/message) that Hawthorne promised us in chapter one? What symbols did you notice in the conclusion of the novel? Other thoughts, ideas, interpretations, and questions are always welcome. Post or turn in by Wednesday before class.
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- Mrs. Heartz
- Bedford High School English teacher
The ending of the scarlet letter was not at ALL what i expected it to be. I thought chillingworth was going to get his revenge on Dimmsedale, but that didn't happen. It surprised me that Dimmesdale just died after telling his and Hesters secret to the whole village. I guess that because the secret was draining his health, that when he let it go, his soul left too. I liked during the end when it said that Hester returned to her cottage still wearing the scarlet letter. That makes me wonder why she is still wearing it and why she returned all together.
Like Julia, I thought that Chillingworth and Dimmesdale were going to be involved in a more intense confrontation than what occured. I think Chillingworth's fear of standing up to Dimmesdale shows his weakness and dependence on others to sustain him. This may be why he dies along with Dimmesdale, since he can no longer feed off of him. I also thought Pearl would lead a more adventerous life because of her abnormal behaviors throughout the novel. At the end, I was happy that Hester kept her scarlet letter on because through her works of charity she was able to rid the letter of its sinful reminder. Hawthorne's lesson is to remain true to yourself, such as Hester did, even when it means owning up to something sinful you may have done because in the end those who stay true to themselves are rewarded.
I really really wanted Chilingworth and Dimmesdale to have a battle/confrontation at the end. This bit of action was put into play a little bit toward the end when Dimmesdale sort of mocks Chillingworth and tells the village of his sin. I liked how he tore his shirt and revealed the A carved in him...supposedly. (I like it that way best anyway) It was a way of saying "Yeah, what now Chillingworth?" Dimmesdale would rather reveal himself than have some old, creeper reveal him instead. I respect Dimmesdale a lot by the end, and I am glad he died. Poor guy went through a lot of suffering and needed to be with God, whom he really wants to be with anyway. I also like how Pearl's ending came about. I was a little disappointed/happy about Hester's though. She seemed to be sad still, and that makes me sad. However, she is still wearing the Scarlet Letter which says that she is not ashamed anymore and free of her sin. It was a good book.
I thought the ending of the Scarlet Letter was really good. I really thought that Dimmesdale and Hester would go off to Europe and live happily with Pearl, so I was surprised to see him die so suddenly. I liked how Chillingworth left his property to Pearl when he died. I think that his act makes up for the revenge that he was seeking on Hester and Dimmesdale. I thought it was kind of weird how the author didn't come out and say whether Pearl is still alive or not, or where she is living. I liked how Hawthorne ended the novel with Hester and Dimmesdale being buried next to each other, but with a space in between, "as if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle."
During the procession, Dimmesdale appears energetic and high-spirited, but as his strength is "spiritual, and imparted to him by angelical ministrations," this foreshadows he is already approaching heaven. I suspected Dimmesdale would die, but I was surprised that Chillingworth did not kill him directly. The method Chillingworth uses, mental torment, is a clever way of getting away with his sin amidst the Puritans, who would severely punish him for direct murder. However, he does not escape God, as his subsequent death shows.
I thought the vacant, "magical" circle around Hester was effective, and it shows that no matter how much respect she has gained, there will always be a gap between Hester and society. This foreshadows the desolate life Hester will always lead. I thought it unfortunate that Hester never overcame the scarlet letter, because she never truly advanced herself.
Like the other commenters, I thought the ending was good but could have used a little more action! I wish Dimmesdale wouldn't have died, and the three family members could have lived together happily. I was glad to see Chillingworth die, he needed to go! The symbol the leech still decribes chillingworth at the end because a leach lives off of other's blood, once Chillingworth couldn't continue sucking the life from Dimmesdale he shrivled to nothing and died, like a leech would. Also what happened to Pearl? I know she became rich but they never fully explain what happens after that. Unless I missed it! Overall I liked the book, the storyline was really thrilling and adventurous, I just wish it was a bit easier to understand.
I was really excited that the end of the the Scarlet Letter would be like a perfect story tale and the three family members would live happily ever after. I thought for sure once Chillingworth got connections to be on the ship that there would be a battle. The only thing I didn't like about the ending was how the story of Hester had become a legend and greatly preserved, but then she came back to Boston. This reminds me of Micheal Jordan who quit playing as the greatest basketball player alive, and then he came back and lost all skil and respect. In Hester's case i think she should of quit while she was ahead.
I was quite upset at the ned of the novel when many of the townspeople didn't believe that Hester nad Dimmesdale were involved with each other. I, like Chelsea, was expecting a confrontation at the end. I was hoping that HEster would tell Dimmesdale that Chillingwoth found out and Dimmesdale and Chillingworth would have a brawl. But then in the end Dimmesdale would overcome Chilllingworth's wrath and Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale would all live happily with one another. I am glad that Chillingworth died because he was feeding and relying on Dimmesdale for life. I respect Dimmesdale because instead of running away from his sin and living some place else, he confronted the Puritan society nad stood on the scaffold and confessed.
I didn't think I would like the book but after I got into it I started liking it better. I really enjoyed it.
I was highly dissatisfied by the ending of the novel. All of the drama building up and no real action. My ending to the novel would go something like this. Dimmesdale would be chased to the scaffold by Chillingworth. At that point, Dimmesdale would admit to his sin and would begin a brawl with Chillinworth. Hester would then take to the scaffold to tell the town what Chillingworth was up to the whole time. After that, the town would rip Chillingworth from Dimmesdale and beat Chillingworth to death. The story would conclude with Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl escaping to England where they would continue thier lives. That is how the novel should have ended.
It ended some what how i expected it to and brought the the whole story together as well as the "moral blossom". Although i didn't enjoy the ending because it was like the rest of the story in style. it constantly pushed for symbolism and at times stretching to a point that distracts from the story
The ending was very good yet unexpected. I also expected Chillingworth to end Dimmesdale's life phyiscally, but actually he ended his life emotionally. All that torture Roger put on Arthur was all built up and just ended Dimmesdale's life after he revealed his secret. It was also unexpected that Chillingworth also died. I guess the Devil inside of him did not have anyone left to torture and with his secret known his spiritual self failed. I was happy for Pearl that she had possibly become a mother and loving wife. But, I pitied Hester because she still could not find the courage to remove her scarlet letter or leave the place of her sin. In her cottage, and life in the Puritan society, she will always be an outcast. She will probably stay there until she dies and then her pentience will be over.
I didn't expect the ending to be at all like it turned out to be! I really expected Chillingworth to do something to Dimmesdale. I'm glad the Dimmesdale told his secret before he died. I was very suprised to learn that Chillingworth left Pearl money and property in his will. That was very unexpected. I wish the novel gave a better idea of what happened to Pearl. I think the ending should have had more action, and not just having Dimmesdale confess and die.
I thought that the ending of the novel was unexpected yet I also thought that it could have been more interesting. It is too bad that the people of Boston were not able to make a connection between Hester and Dimmesdale's scarlet letter and they just covered Dimmesdale's sin up. It made me sad that Dimmesdale died yet I am glad that he was finally free from Chillingworth's influence. However, I am glad that Pearl was able to get out of Boston and make a life for herself in a place where she will not be viewed as a product of sin.
I thought the end of the novel was kind of sad. I was hoping that Dimmesdale and Hester were going to be able to go to Europe together, and start a life together. I didn't expect him to die! I think that it is good that Dimmesdale finally confessed his sin, because he could finally die in peace. I like how Pearl showed affection towards him, basically acknowleging the fact that he is her father. I am glad that Chillingworth died though because he was so horrible to Dimmesdale and Hester that karma finally kicked in on him. Overall, the story was good, but my only complaint is that the language was hard to understand at times, and much of it was too long and drawn out.
Wow, the ending kinda shocked me. I thougt that something would happen between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale which would result in one of them getting hurt. I wish that Dimmesdale wouldn't have died and that that all three fo them could of lived togeter happily because i think they all deserved a happy life after what tehy had been through. I also think the Chillingowrth's death was kinda appropriate because he caused so much damage to Hester and mainly Dimmesdale and that God had revenge on him for wanting revenge on Dimmesdale so badly.I am happy that Dimmesdale finally confesed and I really think because he did a big weight was lifted from him and his health. I also thought it was nice how Pearl finally accepted Dimmesdale and gave him a kiss after he confessed. I think by her finally having a father she changed. I also wonder why Hester returned to Boston and why she continues to wear the scarlet letter even thougth she does not have to anymore.
I was disappointed that everybody just died at the end. The climax just built up and i thought that everybody was going to end up happy together but then Dimmesdale died. I also wondered why Hester came back after she left. It was especially surprising she still wore the scarlet letter. She could have removed it as soon as she had disappeared but she chose to keep it on. I guess it shows she didnt feel she received the punishment she thought she should for her wrongdoing.
I think that the ending of the novel should have been more action packed. I didnt think it was a very good ending because, it didn't leave readers wanting more, it wasn't suspensful, and there wasnt a fight. Personally, I think that the last chapter should have involved a fight between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale over Hester. That would have created a much more interesting and dramatic conclusion. I was glad though that Dimmesdale had finally confessed to the village that he was Pearl's father. It was long overdue and I think in the end, holding it in is what led to his demise. If Dimmesdale would have told everyone right away, he may still be alive and he, Hester, and Pearl could be together. If that were the case however, the novel just wouldnt be as interesting.
Thanks Mrs. Heartz. I could have just Sparknoted the book, but I believed you when you said it got better... Well it didn't. I figured it would end like it did because authors like stupid Hawthorne think it's more realistic to have a tragic ending. Well, if I wanted realistic, I wouldn't be reading FICTION, would I? Okay, now that that's out of my system, I can honestly say that I was pleased that Dimmesdale finally told the truth, and though I'm not shocked he's dead, I think it's way too scripted to have him die so that the "star-crossed lovers" may never be together untormented (Nate must have liked Shakespeare, because this story was right out of his playbook). His language and symbolism was WAY overdone, and his pages of useless and overbearing discription with two lines of archaic verse almost made me miss the plot. Over all, the ending was predictable at best, and corny at worst.
I wasn't shocked to see the book end the way it did. The is calm and not rational like puritans so I didn't expect a big fight or anything (you have to admit it would have been cool though).I wasn't shocked to see them all die either because Hawthorne gives to many clues and makes the book really predictable.Like as soon as Dimmesdale confesses it figures that he dies right away.So much for redemtion and moving on!
I thought that was sad that both Dimmesdale and Hester died in the end of the book. Although, I was glad to see that Chillingworth died, even though he kind of redeemed himself by giving Pearl an inheritance. I would have liked to have seen Pearl, Hester, and Dimmesdale make it to Europe and live out a normal rest of their lives.
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