Monday, June 4, 2007
Practice Post- Tell Me About Yourself
As soon as possible, do a first practice post- no, this doesn't count toward the "big five" posts per book- we're just doing a test before school's out to make sure you can post successfully. Tell me a little about yourself- your interests, extracurricular activities, of course, your favorite book of all time, and anything else you'd like to share.
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About Me
- Mrs. Heartz
- Bedford High School English teacher
Hello! I'm Josh Perry. This stuff is Fun! Yeah!
Hey, 1 more week of school left guys :)
Woooooo hoooooooooo
I am Chayna Wallace. I play soccer, basketball and softball for the school. I am planning on running cross country this coming school year and am dual enrolled at monroe community college. I also love to box, read, and learn!
Hi! I'm Kelly Whalen. I love the book "Truth About Forever." Volleyball is my favorite sport and I also play golf!
I can't wait for summer vacation!!!
Hi, my name is Kelsey Palmer. My favorite book is Romeo and Juliet, like we read in our English books in 9th grade. My favorite singer is Kelly Clarkson. I have a dog named Shiloh. He is a yellow labrador retreiver.
Hi, my name is Becca Howe. My favorite books are Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre.I have two cats (Toe B. and Gabe)and one dog(Sampson). I don't know what else to say. YAY... School is almost over... :)!!!!!!!
Hey everyone! I'm Megan Gross. I love to read in my spare time. My favorite is "And Then There Were None". I love reading books by Agatha Christie. Her mysteries keep me interested and on the edge of my seat. I now play tennis all the time and it's my main sport. I have one younger brother and he will be a sophmore next year. I also love music (mainly pop and country) so much that I don't think I can name one favorite band/singer.
Hey! i'm Erica Przeniczny. I love all mystery books!!! I have currently read secret, silent screams by joan lowery nixon, she is one of my favorite authors! I'm on the varsity swim team and play jv golf. I have an older sister, a younger brother, and younger sister.I'm looking forward to next year!!
I am Courtney Loe. I love softball and love to play soccer, though softball is my favorite. I play in the marching band and yea. I can't wait til school is out because then I get to play softball the entire summer and spend time basking in the sun. Much love.
I love books by Micheal Crighton & Eva Ibbotson. Plus Mein Kampf (yes, that's that book by Hitler)
By the way I like books, my favorite books are the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants sreies.
Hi! I am Kristin Rozanski. I am currently 16 years of age. We only have 3 full days of school left!!
Hey, my name is Kyle Menzel. I play soccer year round. I don't really have a favorite book, but i do like all Stephen King books.
Hey everyone my name is Brett Billmaier. I like going to the movies with my friends. I can't wait until school gets out in a few more days.
Hey! I'm Eddy Turner. I play soccer and my favorite subject is history
AYH! Im Kyrsten Dubuc!
im 16 years old. i love movies. any kind. except like really boring history war movies. My favorite book of all time is Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. but to tell you the truth i love all the Harry Potter books and movies. Me and Amber Miller are thinking about getting a Harry Potter club for next year.
ELLO my name is Amber Miller. Umm my fav.books are def. the Harry Potter books for sure...Harry Potter ROCKS!!!!We r starting a club nxt yr. WOO-HOO...I Play lacrosse,volleyball,basketball,and i do hip hop...i love movies and um yea
Hello, I'm Jordan Call. I run cross country and track and like to go snowboarding and fishing. My favorite book is The Jungle.
Hi! My name is Ashley Romijn, and I'm so excited for summer. I love my family, sports, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. My favorite color is purple and my favorite food is cereal. I love my dog Cosmo.
Hi I am Gabby Maddaluno. I ride horses and my horse's name is Banjo. I like to read too and my favorite book is Blind Beauty.
I like reading when it involves an interesting book. I could never choose just one favorite book so I'll leave that one blank. My passion is dance. Thats all I ever have time to do. My friends and I are a tight little group of crazy people. Even though we are in high school we still keep up on playing lazer tag and hide and go seek. I love english but i'm not to fond of writing essays.
My name is Ben Balazs. My favorite book is Wicked because it is Wicked. Ha Ha. I'm in Marching Band and I am the Drum Major. I wish that I lived in the 80's because come on who wouldn't want to live in the 80's.
Whats Up? im Julia Weiser. uhh... my favorite books would have to be the Harry Potter series! thats only in my spare time. i love to play Lacrosse and basketball. and there is only 1 more week of school! yay...summer!
Hi i'm Monica and my favorite books are Peter Pan and Wicked. I'm in Marching Band. My favorite movies are the Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink.
Hey!!! My name is Lisa Nowaczyk. I can't wait until the summer!! I don't have a particular book that's my favorite...but I do enjoy the harry potter books and I plan on joining the club next year! I love swimming, dance, volleyball, and softball. I also enjoy working at Sunseekers, which is a tanning salon. Well thats's pretty much all I have to say right now so BYE!!
Hey guys, it's Jen Nocella. 1 more week actually 4 days. As some of you know I play soccer. My favorite book is... unknown. I like a lot of books. I play volleyball and bowl for fun. I have an abnormally large head, and sometimes I get phone service from my head(inside joke). Bollin said she's cool.
Hey, I am Jamie VanPelt. My favorite book is A Lesson Before Dying. My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club. I like hanging out with my friends. I love music, especially alternative and indie rock. My favorite bands are U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Arctic Monkeys.
Hi, I'm Michelle. I like all mystery and historical fiction books. I also like to play the piano and violin.
Hi i'm hilary linzie and my favorite books are The Pact, by Jodi Picoult and Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown. I'm a varisty cheerleader and lacrosse player.
I love movies with blood and guts.
I especially love zombie movies.
My favorite books are manga, which are like Japanese comics.
Hey, I'm Derek sulpizio. I like playing hockey and this thing is pretty cool!
Ello. Im Nick Kimmey. I play soccer for the high school and i like it a lot. I cant wait for school to get out :)
I'm Owen and im super excited to read all summer!!!! psyche...but seriously I am
Hey I'm Jaclyn Comstock and I ride horses in my spare time. I don't have a favorite book but I do enjoy reading.
Yeah, so I'm CJ. You all probably know me. I'm the loud sarcastic one.
Hi :] Im Chelsea Hatcher. I row for Toledo Metropolitan Rowing Club in the fall and spring. I'm also a dancer. I love reading...especially mystery books. One of my favorite authors is Agatha Christie, however i don't have a favorite book.
Hey!I'm Nikki Dier. I play basektball and i run track and cross! I spend most of my time playing basketball.
Hey! I'm Ashly.I like the book choices you made for this summer. I love Oprah approved books. My favorite book is Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Hi! Im Beth Blank. I love reading in my spare time, especially mystery books. I play volleyball and am on the varsity team at Bedford, and i also row for the Toledo metropolitan Rowing Club in the spring. :)
I'm Lindsey Raker.
I like John Lennon, Ramen, playing guitar, and writing.
Oh yeah,
Sometimes I worry about zombies.
Hey! I'm Erica Bellaire, I'm a Varsity cheerleader and i also play lacrosse! I have to say my favorite book of ALL TIME is CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM! Also, i get my car this Thursday! and i take my driving test on the 14th =] YIPPPEEE! <3
Hi I'm Brianna Suffety. I have 2 dogs, a shelti named cassie and a yorkie named cricket both are a year old. In my spare time I love to read, my favorite author is Kelly Armstrong. I also play fast-pitch softball through community ed.
Hi, I'm Cynthia Bishara. I'm into alot of youth groups and I'm in choir and I love singing. My favorite book of all time would definately have to be The Outsiders.
Hi! I'm Brandi Oswald. I'm a Civil War reenactor and love history. My favorite book is Confederates in the Attic by Tony Horwitz, but I love almost anything that is historical fiction.
Hey im Jackie Harrison. i play basketball and soccer. i like eating and listening to music. i like hanging out with my friends. i love hockey. and i love harry potter books. My favorite book ever that's non-Harry Potter was Fallen Angels. Molly and I started a harry potter book club. Amelia Davis is also involved.
i really enjoy school. not. but i really dont mind it.
and i said good day sir
Hello there =) I'm Kiersten Wells, and I can't wait until Summer! I play golf and I am involved with the musical theatre program too. :]
Hola...i dont even think im going into honors next year...but i guess ill i am a ninja...yeah, your jealous XD
hope they learn me gooder next year
Hi! I'm Alyssa Stang. (= I'm really excited for summer to be here, i love the sun! I'm a cheerleader for this years Varsity football team & I have been for a while. Umm, i hope everyone has a good summer see you next year!
Hi I'm Elise Hartnup. I love flamingos! My favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Peace!
Hey!! My name is Sami Berger. I'm a big time all-star cheerleader. I am captain of my competition cheer team, Top Elight Elite! I love the beach, sun and warm weather. I'm big into fashion and all of that fun girl stuff! I'm a tough girl and like to think i can "hold my own." Haha! Love you!
Ello govna, this is alex wietrzykowski "wetro" w/e u wanna call me besides something hurtful and cruel and makes me sad and cry... Basketball and working out loves me and I love them. bye
Hi, I am Tara Lohr. I play tennis, softball, and volleyball. I love to read and hang out with my friends on my spare time, and I love art. My favorite novel is A Message in a Bottle, and my favorite type of music is country. I can't wait until summer with ice cream, tanning, swimming, getting to stay up late and being able to sleep in, and to have a fun time with my friends. I'm looking forward to my next year's schedule. See you then!
Hi, my name is Shea DeVore. I like hanging out with my friends on my spare time and I absolutely love country music. My favorite book is A Walk to Remember. I work at Lil' Shack, so come see me over the summer. I'm really excited for school to get out. I'll see you all next year.
Hello, my name is Daniel Grohnke.
I play the trumpet, build robots, and go to band camp. My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings and rock is awesome. Four days and 1 half hour until schools out. Farewell, Grohnke
Hello! My name is Ashley. I love music and racing. Also I have an amazing boyfriend with whom I spend most of my time. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series. I mostly read books that have lots of angst. I am a gymnast but am currently injured :(
Ohla! I'm Bolton T. Windover, but you can call me Bo (or fuzzybear). I play foozball and like to sleep a lot. Food is also a definite plus. O ya, I happen to be Bo-Dacious too.
Well, my name is Amelia Davis. I play soccer and basketball. I love Chik-fil-a and Outback. I also love Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter, like Jackie Harrison!!!
Hello! I'm Marie Seals. I love to read, just not always the books for school, but I don't think I have an absolute favorite book. I can't wait for summer because I love swimming. My favorite colors are lime green and pink. My favorite school subject is biology.
Hi! I'm Abby. I love to listen and perform music. My favorite books are the "One For the Money" series by Janet Evanovich. I love to horseback ride,play lacrosse,and play softball.Can't wait to read your favorite book over the summer, but I really can't wait to get out of school!
Hey, this is Mitchell Rohrer. I like a book that has so many twists and turns that it involves a lot of thinking in order to read it. I also like to cook and play video games with friends. I can't wait for this summer, so I can go to Flordia and Chicago.
Hey! I'm Taylor. I do row for TMRC. It takes up alot of my time in the fall and in the spring. I love to read but I dont have a favorite author or even genre. I like pretty much everything. Oh and most of the time I am really happy.
Hi! My name is Kate Calhoun and I run year round. I run Crosscountry and Track and I love to read. I also swim on a team during the summer. I also have my Black Belt so wath out!(Just kidding!)
So, abbia un'estate felice! (it's Italian) =)
Hi, I play varsity softball and varsity swim. I love to go up north and water ski. I don't have a favorite book so far.
HI! I'm Hilary Hannigan. I've played soccer for a really long time. I play for the school and for a travel team. I don't have any favorite books but I love to read in my spare time. I can't wait until summer!
Hola!! I am Kelsey Emahiser. I enjoy playing sports, my favorite is basketball. I enjoy hangin out with friends and family. I also enjoy reading reading books and I love listening and playing music!
don't you know I got
key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back
Louis nap sack
where I hold'n all tha work at
Hey! I'm Chelsea Gray and I can't wait for summer! I run cross country in the fall and play lacrosse in the spring. I pretty much love reading, especially the Harry Potter series!!
Hi. I'm Hillary Folk. I missed the last two weeks of school because i have mono, and now im trying to catch up on all of the stuff i missed.
Hello everyone, i'm Haley. I love to read books by C.S Lewis, and i just read a really good book by
Charlotte Bronte. I love to play the piano, and i really like to sing. Can't wait to see all you guys next year!
Hey, is this working?
Hey! I'm a little late. I'm just figuring this blogging stuff out. Would not call myself a techie. better late than never.
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